

For the application and more information for international students, you are welcome to contact Office of International Affairs, NTNU by visiting the website:​https://bds.oia.ntnu.edu.tw/bds/en/apply

Future Career

◆ Students who meet the requirements of the Ministry of Examination in Taiwan are eligible to take Senior Social Worker Licensure of Higher Examination and Exclusive Social Worker Examination.

◆ Pursue higher education (social work、social welfare、social science..etc.)
 - Other graduate institutes in Taiwan
 - Graduate institutes in other countries

◆ Employment
 - Government Employees
 - Nonprofit Organizations,NPO
 - Other areas, like Academic Research、Children & Youths、Women & Children、Gerontology

Graduate Institute of Social Work

Degree Master's
Enrollment Semesters Division Fall 2023
Language of Instruction Program taught in Chinese
Admission Evaluation Document Review
Weighted Score:100%
Language Proficiency Chinese Language Proficiency (Provide one of the following Chinese certificates):
Test of Chinese as Foreign Language, TOCFL Level – 3
or any other Chinese Proficiency Certificate with a score equivalent to above item:

On-line application forms
*Please print out, sign the application forms, scan and upload it to the system

Two-inch passport photo.
Payment receipt of application fee.
A copy of passport or Identification.
*If the applicant is of foreign nationality as specified in Article 2 under the MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan and possesses (or has possessed) nationality status from the Republic of China (R.O.C.), additional proof is required, such as entry and departure records for the past 6 years, a declaration form stating that they do not hold a R.O.C. household registration, Certificate of Nationality Renouncement of Republic of China or other proof of documents.

An R.O.C Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) (if applicable).
The applicant’s highest diploma in English or Chinese.
The applicant’s complete transcripts (for ALL years of study) in English or Chinese.

A financial statement
*a minimum of NTD 100,000 (or USD 3,000) is required. Please select one of the following ways of submission:
  1. An official financial statement issued within the past three months from a financial institution.
  2. If the financial statement provided is not under the name of the applicant, please submit:
    ◆ the sponsor’s financial statement
    ◆ a financial guarantee from the sponsor
  3. The proof showing the applicant have been awarded full scholarship.
Financial Guarantee Statement for National Taiwan Normal University International Applicants.
Deposition of Admission Documents for National Taiwan Normal University International Applicants.
Non-Household Registration Declaration for National Taiwan Normal University International Applicants.
*Eligible applicants who graduate at the same year as the admission to National Taiwan Normal University must submit transcripts for each academic semester and the ‘Deposition of Admission Documents for National Taiwan Normal University International Applicants’, and are not required to submit the diploma during application. The diploma and transcripts for each academic semester must be submitted upon registration (Diplomas or degree certificates from China are required to have the documents notarized by relevant authorities.); otherwise, the applicants admitted to NTNU will have their admission revoked.
*Applicants applying with diplomas or degree certificates from China are required to have the documents notarized by relevant authorities. If authentication cannot be completed by the application deadline, please submit degree certificate, complete transcript and a signed Deposition of Admission Documents.
*Admitted students must submit the original ones for review to the Office of International Affairs on the day of enrollment.
*NTNU holds the right to request applicants to have their degree certificate or diploma authenticated by the ROC diplomatic missions should NTNU find any problem in the applicants’ documents.
Departmental Requirements Language proficiency certificate: Please refer to the "Language proficiency".
Study plan: including motivation, research direction, future aspiration and self-evaluation of ability
Any document that might be supportive
  1. Any international students admitted to the Institute have to take the courses related to the Chinese language to facilitate their learning of professional subjects if necessary.
  2. If the applicant's first degree is not in social work and if the applicant has not taken classes related to “social case work,” “social group work” and “human behavior and social environment,” the applicant will be required to take these classes at the undergraduate level with a minimum of 3 credits for each class to satisfy the graduation requirements. However, these classes are not included in graduation credits.
  3. The credits of English-taught courses, which are offered by College of International Studies and Social Sciences, can be acknowledged as graduation credits in the M.A. program.
Remarks Admitted students Are allowed to defer admission until the next academic year.


Department Information

Website https://www.sw.ntnu.edu.tw/
Introduction ◆ Students who meet the requirements of the Ministry of Examination in Taiwan are eligible to take the Senior Social Worker Licensure of Higher Examination and Exclusive Social Worker Examination.
◆ Pursue higher education (social work, social welfare, social science, etc.) -Other graduate institutes in Taiwan -Graduate institutes in other countries.
◆ Employment -Government Employees -Nonprofit Organizations -Other areas, like Academic Research, Children & Youths, Women, Gerontology, and Mental Health.
Features of Curriculum Students in the MSW program are required to complete 32 credit hours, comprising required courses and electives. The program has 4 required courses (15 credits), including (1) Advanced Quantitative Research Method for Social Work Studies, (2) Social Work Theory, (3) Field Practicum I & II, and (4) Advanced Social Statistics or Qualitative Research Method. Each student must select at least 2 elective courses from Practice Methods. This MSW degree requires completion of all courses taken, and a successful oral defense of thesis.
Career Prospects ◆ Students who meet the requirements of the Ministry of Examination in Taiwan are eligible to take the Senior Social Worker Licensure of Higher Examination and Exclusive Social Worker Examination.
◆ Pursue higher education (social work, social welfare, social science, etc.) -Other graduate institutes in Taiwan -Graduate institutes in other countries.
◆ Employment -Government Employees -Nonprofit Organizations -Other areas, like Academic Research, Children & Youths, Women, Gerontology, and Mental Health.
Contact Information Ms. Tian-An, Lin/886-2-7749-5531/sw.dpt@ntnu.edu.tw
